By John Hargraves.

 NOTE: Part I posted on July 14, 2023

Malleus set out on his journey to become a man of God and the hammer of Love was in his heart. He decided to enter devotional study with the biggest and oldest of churches. His family was proud. Many vows and affirmations were made. Once he was required to lie prostrate in submission to the holiest of holies. In this new life he learned there were many submissions and sacrifices. He tried holding the tension with Love, but he was only human. There were many paradoxes and contradictions that came to light within the big old church. They were not of Love and Malleus could not abide. So, he broke out through the big sanctuary doors that held him, for he was a hammer.

Malleus wandered thoughtfully and explored his nature. He joined a smaller church. It was a handsome structure with resplendent windows and a dilapidated spire. Here he cultivated a fuller expression of himself. The big old church frowned on this, citing his vows and excommunicated him. Somewhere inside him there was pain, a separation from Love.

He needed to express his Love to heal and sought an instrument. Weeks then months went by as he honed his craft, building a huge, magnificent hammer. He molded gold inlay into its handle and its mosaic head shimmered with power. He carried it everywhere and it made him stronger. Those in the small church envied him and it provided him with great respect. Only Malleus could wield the heavy tool and work its magic. When he spoke of Love, people seemed to listen.

Then one day members of his church realized they needed to fix several things that were broken. It would take a long time and be very costly. Only magic could get the job done. So, they eyed Malleus’s hammer which was always by his side. But it was not theirs to wield. They waited for him to fall asleep.  It took several church men to lift the hammer and bring it to the sanctuary. There they set to work on their projects, but the hammer would not abide their purpose. As they swung it, all the beautiful windows of the church broke. The crashing glass startled Malleus, who was asleep in the belfry. Rushing down toward the calamity he beheld the mess. As he reclaimed his hammer, a voice, still as thought, arose within his mind . . . create not what you cannot control.